Issue #29, Autumn 1996
- Fiction:
- "The House By the Pond" by Tom Pepper
- "The Dunwich Lodger" by Brian McNaughton
- "Milk-Curdling Horror" by Don D'Ammassa
- "Big Game" by William R. Trotter
- "Man's Estate" by Terry McGarry
- Non-Fiction:
- A Graveside Chat: Interview with Clive Barker by Jim Moore
- "Tentacles Across the Atlantic" by D.F. Lewis
- "The View from the Castle Tower" by Billie Sue Mosiman
- Book and Magazine Reviews by Andrea Locke, Herb Greenhouse, Faith L. Justice, David Niall Wilson, Alex Johnson, and Stephen Mark Rainey
- Poetry:
- "Driving Me" by Holly Day
- "Silent Music" by Lyn D. Nichols
- "The Dungeon Keys" by Kendall Evans
Cover art by Chad Savage, interior illos by Stacy Drum, Jamie Oberschlake, Wayne Miller, Augie Wiedeman, and Michael Apice. This issue contained the ballot for the Second Annual Deathrealm Awards
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