While most of my fantasy novels have been volumes in one series or another, three to date are stand-alone works unconnected to anything else:
Split Heirs (written in collaboration with Esther Friesner) is a humorous fantasy novel about the royal family of the Ancient and Honorable Kingdom of Hydrangea -- which has recently been conquered by the barbaric Gorgorians.
The Rebirth of Wonder is a short fantasy set in present-day New England, involving a very unusual theater troupe. This is perhaps my most autobiographical novel. The original Tor paperback edition also contains a novella, "The Final Folly of Captain Dancy," of seafaring adventure in a nineteenth century not quite like ours; this is not included in the later editions.
Touched by the Gods is an epic fantasy of a young man chosen by the gods to defend his nation against an evil wizard's undead army -- a young man who really doesn't want the job.
All are available on paper or as e-books.
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And don't forget the series:
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