Is there somewhere I can get in touch with you?
You want to contact me? Well, yes, it's possible. In fact, it's easy, and I'd be glad to hear from you. You have several options:
You can e-mail me -- I answer most (not all, I admit) of the non-junk e-mail I receive.
I have two Wordpress blogs -- The Mind Control Lasers Lied to Me, a general-purpose one, and The Serial Box, now devoted to progress reports on my unfinished work. At least for the moment. It used to be for other stuff, and may well change again.
I'm @wattevans on Twitter, and I have both a professional page and a personal one on Facebook. (I also still have accounts on LinkedIn, Pinterest, LiveJournal, Instagram, Tumblr, Dreamwidth, and Reddit, but I'm not active on any of those anymore and I won't see anything you post there. I have an author page on Amazon I virtually never look at. I probably still have accounts on other sites, such as MySpace, but I don't use those at all anymore.)
If you want to support me and see a few online goodies, there's my Patreon page. Minimum pledge is only $1/month and gets you access to a bunch of old stories (including some never published elsewhere) and assorted stuff, but I'm not really adding new content anymore. I also have a page on Kofi, but so far there's no content there, just a chance to send me money (and messages).
Not comfortable on line? You can reach me by streetmail at:
Lawrence Watt-Evans c/o Evans Family Trust P.O. Box 10382 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 U.S.A.
Want to see me in the flesh? I attend various conventions and events; you can check my Convention Calendar to see if any are convenient for you.
If you're interested in buying my books, they're available at all the usual online booksellers. I do have a few for sale directly.
That's everything I can think of right now -- I'm not about to put my phone number on the Web, thanks. If you think I've forgotten an option, e-mail me.
That's it; here's your list of handy exits:
The Misenchanted Page
Front Page | Main Site | E-mail me!