Days of Future Past

I’ve recently gotten back the rights to some of my older work, and am in the process of putting it back in print, either through Wildside Press or self-published.

The first of these old novels to see print anew is Touched by the Gods, which is now available in e-book form from Smashwords. It should be on Amazon and Barnes & Noble soon, with other outlets following in a week or two. A new trade paperback edition is planned, as well.

4 thoughts on “Days of Future Past

  1. Have you considered releasing one or more books for free on Amazon, or the Baen Free Library, or something of the like? I’m not affiliated with them, so I’m not sure how the details work, but I’ve found it very helpful in discovering new (to me) authors. I found A Misenchanted Sword in a book sale last year for a quarter and I don’t read a lot of fantasy, but it looked intriguing, so I figured I would give it a shot, and I enjoyed it very much, and was delighted to discover that you had written much more. I’ve added the next one to my to-read list.

  2. I’ve done free serials online, and I think that’s enough. True, they’re harder to find for most people than free books on Amazon, but they don’t get lost in the crowd.

    Of course, most of the time I don’t have a serial going.

  3. That’s wonderful, could you point me to those serials? I wasn’t trying to seem ungrateful, only that I love discovering authors, especially with many books in the same universe, and through Baen, for example, I discovered Eric Flint and David Weber, and have since bought several of their books. Free books aside, I also try and snatch up copies of harder to find first-in-the-series books, and give them to friends to get them interested.

  4. There aren’t any active or complete serials available right now; I’m planning to start the next one in a couple of months. The way it works is that I post chapters as I write the novel, and you can read them for free, or you can donate money to encourage me to keep going. When the story’s done, I sell it to a publisher — so far, either Wildside Press or FoxAcre Press — and they publish the finished book.

    They’ve asked me to take most of the posted first drafts down, so as not to cut into sales, but there are still sample chapters for The Spriggan Mirror, The Vondish Ambassador, The Unwelcome Warlock, and Realms of Light available.

    (Hmm. Upon testing those links, I see some stuff I need to update.)

    There’s also a blog where I post news and updates about serials, called The Serial Box; you can check that every so often for announcements.

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