
You don't really need this, do you?
When I created this page in 2006, e-books were a new and unfamiliar idea. Amazon changed all that when they introduced the Kindle.
Just in case you've been living under a rock, though: E-books (or ebooks or eBooks) are "electronic books." They're downloadable files, available in a variety of formats, that can be read on a computer or on various tablets and readers, such as the Kindle or Nook or iPad. I mostly read mine on my phone. Just what each format provides can vary, as do the capabilities of the various readers.
The advantages of the e-book over an ink-on-paper book:
- They're usually cheaper.
- They don't require any shelf space.
- You can carry an entire library in one hand -- very convenient when traveling.
- Most allow the reader to change the font size, making reading easier for old, presbyopic eyes.
- Some allow search functions.
Disadvantages -- you can't flip through them as easily, they don't have the satisfying feel of an old-fashioned book, batteries can die on you.
Some people prefer e-books, some prefer paper.
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