The Misenchanted Guestbook
Hello, and welcome to the first Misenchanted Guestbook Archive!
The Guestbook itself is gone now, but it existed for seventeen years and was very active for the first few. I split off several archives to keep it from getting unwieldy. I didn't want to delete anything; I like keeping a perpetual record.
This first archive covers the period from January through April, 2000. A second archive covers May 1 to June 7, and there are at least three more beyond that.
Because it's an archive and you can't add anything, I've reversed the sequence -- the oldest messages are at the top, and you can just read down. Except for formatting, nothing else of the content has been changed. I've more or less restored the original color scheme and the first hostess graphic, but reformatted the page to keep the line lengths under control and make it a little more mobile-friendly.
-- Lawrence Watt-Evans
Illustration by Kiri Evans
[ The Misenchanted Page ] [ The World of Ethshar ] [ Misenchanted Press ]
Sunday, January 23, 2000, 11:10:46 AM
- I have nothing to say. But I wanted to be first.
Sunday, January 30, 2000, 10:55:14 AM
And hey, you are! I didn't even have a link up yet.
Sunday, January 30, 2000, 6:46:12 PM
Jeffry Dwight
The color! It's making my eyes spin!
Sunday, January 30, 2000, 9:17:07 PM
Hey, you guys made this color available. Everyone else was using the starry-sky background, so that was out, and of the other options Julian liked this one best, so here it is.
Monday, January 31, 2000, 1:34:59 PM
Wow. It's great to find an author who is so dedicated to his own work that he makes an entire website (sans fancy URL name, AFAIK) for it. Thank you. I loved the Ethshar series.
Monday, January 31, 2000, 9:40:24 PM
It's not all that unusual for an author to put up a website; SFF-Net has dozens, maybe hundreds of them, listed at
I admit a lot are maintained by other people, rather than the authors themselves, and that they don't usually get as large and messy as the Misenchanted Page.
Incidentally, in case anyone's puzzled by the first two exchanges here -- before I opened this guestbook I checked out the software for it on the SFF-Net private site, which created a temporary version that could be accessed by other people who have guestbooks on SFF-Net. That's how Brian was able to get in here before I'd opened it officially.
And Jeffry Dwight is the proprietor of SFF-Net. I take it from his comment that he wasn't the one who set up the "Rosy Hues" option I'm using for the colors here.
Monday, January 31, 2000, 9:41:52 PM
Oh, and thank you, Josh. The Ethshar stories are a lot of fun to write, so I'm glad people find them fun to read.
Tuesday, February 01, 2000, 8:44:56 AM
Actually, Lawrence, I'm responsible for the color scheme. It's just that I never thought anyone would choose this one. It was there as filler, to make the list of pre-made schemes longer....
But what the heck. If Julian likes it, who am I to argue? (Hi, Julian!)
- j.
Tuesday, February 01, 2000, 11:22:11 AM
Jeffry, you're dealing with writers. You should have known better.
Wednesday, February 02, 2000, 2:41:55 AM
Steve Erickson
I can't believe Night Of Madness is finished already. This is a great site and its always up to date. Plus who knows any author that will sale you out of print books from his own collection and sell them to you for dirt cheap plus personalize them for you. Let alone ask you what book you would like him/her to write next. You dedication to your fans never ceases to amaze me.
Thursday, February 03, 2000, 10:22:48 AM
Brian (Plante)
About posting that first message before you put up a link --
If you go to, you'll see URL's for ALL
the SFF.NET guestbooks, whether the owners have linked them
to their webpages or not. I was in there, since I have one
of these guestbooks for my own site, and saw your guestbook.
The site owner can log on here and tinker with the guestbook,
including the deletion of any rude messages.
BTW, the header on this guestbook asks if it is confusing to
show the latest messages first. No, that's how it ought to
be, so returning visitors don't have to scroll past the old
stuff to see the new.
Sunday, February 06, 2000, 4:30:17 PM
Andrew Guillaume
Congrats on the new guestbook. The books you write are the rare ones I find myself reading over and over again and I can't wait for your new novels to hit print.
PS I love the drawings on the site. Your daughters are very talented also.
Sunday, February 06, 2000, 11:07:31 PM
Daughter, singular. Thank you.
I try to please readers -- it's one way to avoid having to get a day job.
Monday, February 07, 2000, 10:26:55 AM
Hey, Steve, and everyone else, not only is NIGHT OF MADNESS written, I just got
word from my editor that it's accepted and on track for fall publication. I'll be
updating the webpage later today or tomorrow, but figured mentioning it here would
be a quick 'n' easy first step...
Wednesday, February 09, 2000, 5:39:06 AM
Scott Reed
I'd just like to say that I love your books, espcecially the Ethshar series. My personal favorite is With A Single Spell, which I have read dozens of times. It's always at the top of my list when someone asks for a book recommendation.
I anxiously await Night of Madness, as well as your other books.
Saturday, February 12, 2000, 2:03:56 PM
Thanks, Scott.
_With A Single Spell_ was my own favorite for a long time. (I'm not sure what my current favorite is.)
Sunday, February 13, 2000, 8:38:13 PM
Jim Patchell
I was reading you FAQ on the "Lords of Dus" series. If I could
add a vote that you someday write a fifth novel in that series
someday, well, you have it. I very fondly remember reading those
Thursday, February 17, 2000, 12:27:11 PM
i just wanted to say hey, and i love your work.
Dragon Weather just cemented that sentiment!
Thursday, February 17, 2000, 1:22:21 PM
My kids report that _Dragon Weather_ is the best novel I've written -- of those they've read, which is not all of them. It's nice to be appreciated.
A fifth novel in the "Lords of Dus" series is not very likely, but it is still possible -- I was actually thinking about it the other day.
Monday, February 21, 2000, 10:02:43 PM
Great website! What a compliment to your great works! My favorite book is "The Mischanted Sword" but I like them all, truly. Is there a chance that a map of Ethshar will find its way into a published book?
Tuesday, February 22, 2000, 8:05:07 AM
There's a chance, yes. There's no map in _Night of Madness_ because it almost all takes place in one city, but eventually I'll probably write a novel that moves around more and wants a map.
Monday, February 28, 2000, 7:18:58 PM
despite the fact I misspelled "Misenchanted Sword" in my last entry (most embarassing) I would like to know if there will ever be a map published or posted on your web page, a map for the world of "Dragon Weather"?
Tuesday, February 29, 2000, 10:18:18 AM
A map of the Lands of Man? I hadn't even thought about it. Hmm.
I really don't know. I mean, I have one in my head, but not on paper.
Sunday, March 05, 2000, 12:10:51 PM
Truly a great website. Tons of interesting stuff. I love the areas where you tell us a little about how you feel about certain things. Finally please please write another book about Garth.
Wednesday, March 08, 2000, 4:39:44 PM
Tamra Linn
Yay! I love the site and I really love the Ethshar books (though somewhere along the way I picked up the bad habit of calling them the Esthar books) and Touched by the Gods was cool. I just finished scrounging up the entire Ethshar series (minus the short stories, but I'm working on that) so now you have to write more. =) What I really love about that series is that the characters never 'Save the world' or are 'called by the gods' or anything ludicrous like that. The books prove that a good story can be told without that kind of trash.
I am currently compiling a list of all the spells from your series to use in place of the standard Dungeons and Dragons spells (they have alot more character than TSR's boring spells.) but I only have 21 so far, but I am still re-reading... I am amused by Galger's spells, is there any chance there a few other spells he came up with that haven't been mentioned or that I missed? The only ones I have found are Galger's Lid Remover (a favourite among my friends and I) and Galger's Singing Spell.
I am suprised that I can't find any fan sites of your stuff (maybe because you actually have a site that you answer questions from?) so maybe I'll just have to make one.
Oh, and so far my favourite Ethshar book is Taking Flight. Not sure why, but Kelder reminds me of me a little.
Oh, and maybe I'm blind, but I don't see your 'Laws of Fantasy' up on your site anywhere...
Wednesday, March 08, 2000, 6:38:38 PM
My "Laws of Fantasy" are at -- don't know how you missed them.
Well, yes, I suppose I do, actually -- they're buried pretty deep in the maze.
I'm glad you like _Taking Flight_, as it's one of my own favorites, but it's not as popular as most.
As for Galger, none of his other spells have been mentioned, but yes, others do exist. I'd rather not go into detail, as they may wind up being used somewhere and I don't want to blow any surprises.
There are one or two fan sites out there, but not very many, and they aren't very elaborate. I keep meaning to link to them, and not doing it -- it's on my list of things to add, but I keep getting distracted, or losing track of the URLs. I don't know whether the existence of my own site discourages people or not; I hope not, as I'd be glad to see more from fans. For one thing, it'd tell me something about how people see my work, and I always appreciate feedback like that.
If people _are_ being discouraged by my posting this stuff, I'm about to make it worse. I've just splurged and registered the domain, and will be doing an all-Ethshar site there. I suppose it's tacky doing one's own fan site, but what the heck.
(You'll notice I'm only doing this for Ethshar, not for the Lords of Dus or the Obsidian series or the Domdur Empire. While I'm proud of all my work, and think I've done a pretty good job of world-building elsewhere, Ethshar is my favorite toy for just messin' around. I ought to spend my time writing novels, rather than doodling on the Web, but the doodling is _fun_.)
Thursday, March 09, 2000, 3:56:00 PM
Tamra Linn
Heh, I feel a little silly, as right after I asked, I wandered into your 'Laws of Fantasy' article. =/ =)
Anyhow, I was wondering why the Russian cover of Taking Flight has nothing to do with the story? Or did I miss something? In any case, why is it different than the English cover?
I was just reading through Unwilling Warlord and noticed that there was another mention of Galger's Singing Spell... I had forgotten all about it, it had me rolling on the floor laughing. =)
I see that on there is a dysfunctional link labeled magic... ooooh... I can't wait to see what will be behind _that_ door...
Tamtam. (patiently waiting and being blinded by this horrible background colour)
Thursday, March 09, 2000, 6:26:37 PM
You don't like my background color?!?
I could change it, actually. Maybe I will.
I have no idea what the deal is with the Russian cover art. I know that with some of the German editions the publishers had just bought up rights to a lot of fantasy art and slapped it on books pretty much at random. The Russians don't usually do that, but maybe this time...
That not-yet-functional link about magic will lead to brief explanations of the major varieties of magic, probably with supporting quotes from the stories. Don't have all the details worked out yet.
Friday, March 10, 2000, 10:51:14 AM
Tamra Linn
Awww... no Wizard's spells list? Oh well.
Any prospects on reprinting the first six Ethshar books with your new publisher? I'd love to send some copies to a few friends, but the books are HARD to find. Especially if I am looking for the whole set.
Plus republishing it might get your stuff a bit more recognition, which it really deserves. I'd love to walk into my nearby bookstore and see the whole Ethshar series sitting there on a shelf. Most people I mention your name to (when asked who my favourite authors are) have no clue who I am talking about. =( My second favourite author is Steven Brust. =0 =)
I can't wait for the Night of Madness... Boy, would that last sentence seem really odd out of context.
Saturday, March 11, 2000, 1:38:03 AM
i ran across the mis enchanted sword and i loved it was a great book ive never even heard of MR. evans before i wish someone would have told me about mr evans before
Saturday, March 11, 2000, 1:07:40 PM
A spell list might be possible; I don't know yet.
As for reissuing the books, I don't know that, either; it's definitely a possibility my agent and I want to pursue, and the rights are available, but I don't know what Tor thinks of the idea yet.
If Tor and the other big houses are completely disinterested (which I really hope isn't the case), I may go with a small press or print-on-demand outfit -- I know of at least one that's already expressed interest.
And as for me not being better-known -- if I knew how to fix that, I would've done it long ago.
Friday, March 17, 2000, 10:47:38 PM
I think a hardbound collection of Ethshar book would be cool or better about downloadable version in PDF version? You could charge $2.50 a book and this would make all the Ethshar availible to all.
Tuesday, March 21, 2000, 12:57:09 PM
At this point I'm still hoping for a traditional publishing deal for the entire Ethshar series. If that falls through, there are small presses interested in publishing it, either in the usual way or as print-on-demand. A PDF version isn't really something I'm interested in trying at this point.
By the way, I modified the background color slightly -- is this more to everyone's liking?
Wednesday, March 22, 2000, 5:22:01 PM
Yes, much better. I just picked up some of the Ethshar short stories. 'Weaving Spells' was very enlightening and amusing. I loved the bit about the teapot! =)
Sunday, March 26, 2000, 5:34:13 PM
Background is much better!
Thursday, March 30, 2000, 8:52:20 AM
This site is very informative :-)
I've read many of your fantasy books and loved them. For myself, I don't care for downloadable version. I prefere books not data. (but when everything fails, even data are better than none)
By the way, I'm just updating my site and am going to link authors' pages. Is it OK if I link yours? Thanks!
Thursday, March 30, 2000, 11:37:44 AM
Sure, you're welcome to link to the Misenchanted Page.
The only catch is if you expect a link back. I've never really found a good place to put such things, and often take years (literally) to put in links I've promised to add. This is a failing on my part, I know. There are lots of cool sites out there I'd like to direct people to, but actually getting the links in place is something I just never get around to.
Thursday, March 30, 2000, 10:27:55 PM
Blake Nelson
Hey, I love the new guestbook! I've been a regular visitor to the Misenchanted Page for a couple years now, and I'm a big fan of your books! Dragon Weather was an excellent read--I especially liked the character of Lord Enziet. The man was pure evil, and one of the best villains I've ever encountered in literature, anywhere.
The site is also great: the rules of fantasy and all your other advice was very helpful. Thanks!
Like everyone, I look forward to the Night of Madness...
Sunday, April 02, 2000, 10:28:21 AM
This guestbook rocks! I have never seen one so interactive before. Mr.Evans, it is very refreshing to see an author who is not aloof. Famous writers seem to forget they are mortals, too. Keep up the goodwork; I have added your site to my "cool links" on my web page,
Sunday, April 02, 2000, 9:44:26 PM
Great site! I really appreciate the attention you are obviously lavishing on it and toward your fans. It allows us to feel a closeness with one of our favorite writers, without you having to sacrifice any more privacy than you deem necessary.
I can't wait for Night of Madness!
Monday, April 03, 2000, 9:57:15 AM
Thanks, guys.
Monday, April 03, 2000, 10:00:42 AM
Whenever I have custumors who want to read someone new I recommend your books. Unfortunately, since I started reading your work with "The Misenchanted Sword" and all the old Ethshar books are out of print, I can't sell people the books I would REALLY like to sell them. So, please, count this as one more vote to convince TOR to reprint the old ones. But I am looking forward to the new one.
Oh, by the way, what about posting the results of the vote here?
Monday, April 03, 2000, 3:48:52 PM
Posting the vote totals here would indeed make sense. Let's see...
Okay, this is unedited and unaudited and may include some people voting more than once, but...
_The Vondish Ambassador_ currently has 7 votes;
_Azraya of Ethshar_ has 6;
_The Final Calling_ has 12;
_A Feather from Her Wing_ has 2;
_The Wizard's Garden_ has 21;
_The Spriggan Mirror_ has 22;
_The Rune of the Implacable Stalker_ has 5;
_A Slave of Wizardry_ has 2;
_A Stranger in the Forest_ has 9;
_At the Sign of the Crimson Wolf_ has 9;
...and there were three "other" votes.
You know, a couple of those last few counts don't look right. Hmm.
Monday, April 03, 2000, 8:05:56 PM
The Spriggan Mirror? That's certainly an interesting choice. It should be a fun book to write (and read)!
Monday, April 03, 2000, 8:33:14 PM
Yeah, I figured _The Final Calling_ would run away with it, but apparently I was wrong.
Tuesday, April 04, 2000, 3:57:39 AM
Personally, I'd really like to read "The Final Calling", but not quite so soon after "Night of Madness." For one thing having two Warlock-oriented books so soon after each other would be too much of a good thing. And besides, I think it's too early in the series for all the "Final Revelations". So my favorite candidates are "The Spriggan Mirror", and the Valder book, because those are two subjects we haven't heard of in awhile.
Tuesday, April 04, 2000, 9:39:11 AM
Who ever said _The Final Calling_ would include lots of final revelations? It includes _one_ as currently envisioned.
A big one, admittedly.
But the point about not doing too much with the warlocks all at once is a good one.
Tuesday, April 04, 2000, 7:29:04 PM
I like "The Spriggan Mirror" well enough but I agree, two warlock books in a row would have been overkill. I was disappointed that there won't be a Valder book anytime soon since it has been ages since he's starred in a book. I am looking forward to the next book!
Friday, April 07, 2000, 12:15:25 PM
Tamra Linn
You say you're a little suprised that The Final Calling didn't get more votes.
One of the reasons I didn't vote for The Final Calling was that it would constrain books that come out later. Mostly because they couldn't have any warlocks in them without being set before The Final Calling. Also, I look forward to seeing the Spriggan thing resolved.
For me, the most interesting thing about The Spriggan Mirror is finding out a little more about wizardry... How does one break a spell that was created accidentally? Seeing as one can't really know what went into it, it sounds like it must be very difficult.
Then there is The Wizard's Garden which will undoubtedly reveal some more details on wizardry, and introduce a few new characters. To be honest, I voted for the Mirror, but it was a tough call between the Mirror and the Garden.
Oh, and if I had an extra vote to put in 'Other', I would put in my vote for some story set in the days of the great war with the Empire... =)
I can't wait for 'Night of Madness'... =)
Friday, April 07, 2000, 2:43:55 PM
Well, _The Final Calling_ will certainly produce permanent changes, but they aren't necessarily what you'd expect.
Still, I can see that argument; I just expected more people to yield to curiosity and enthusiasm and ignore it.
Well, I hope they'll all get written eventually.
By the way, I just got a dustjacket proof for _Night of Madness_. I expect to have it scanned in and up on the Misenchanted Page within a day or so. I'm happy with it.
Saturday, April 08, 2000, 7:05:36 PM
alan herrell
Dragon Weather was great. My wife is a day away from finishing it.
I'll do the internet stuff.
you finish the sequel.
Monday, April 10, 2000, 2:55:50 AM
I was just reading through your Ethshar FAQ and saw your response to the question about the anthology of Ethshar fiction and I was just wondering if you had ever considered writing a short(>150 pages) novel(novella? novellette?) to bundle with the short fic? Anyway I just want you to know that you are one of my favorite authors and I eagerly await THNOM after a 7(!) year wait.
Monday, April 10, 2000, 9:47:08 AM
Oh, I don't think I'll need to deliberately write a short novel to go with the short stories. Sooner or later a novel I was going to write anyway will come out short enough that including the short stories will seem like a good idea.
Tuesday, April 11, 2000, 6:55:46 PM
Great cover to "Night of Madness", best cover since "The Misenchanted Sword"! When is the book? November? ::sigh:: if I must....
Tuesday, April 11, 2000, 10:56:35 PM
Yup, November in hardcover, and paperback probably a year later.
It's a good cover, but I really liked the cover for _The Spell of the Black Dagger_, too, so I'm not sure I'd say this is the best since _Sword_.
Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 10:41:52 PM
Very cool cover for Night of Madness. I hope this one doesn't cause me as much "trouble" as the last cover did! (wink, wink) I can hardly wait!
Wednesday, April 19, 2000, 10:04:40 PM
Hey I checked out and I found it very impressive! Looks like it's a massive work in progress but it is very exciting! One thing: The header with the map of Ethshar must go. You need to draw a nice, spiffy map for the header. I volunteer to help!
Sunday, April 23, 2000, 7:52:56 PM
Ah, but that map drawn in red has historical significance - it's the original sketch that all of Ethshar was based on. That's why I used it.
If you want to see a spiffier map... well, maybe eventually.
Sunday, April 23, 2000, 7:53:52 PM
And by the way, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I've been away from my computer for a week.
Tuesday, April 25, 2000, 7:37:26 PM
Oh a nostalgia thing..I should have thought of that. Okay then, I can handle that tho a spiffy map somewhere would be cool =)
Wednesday, April 26, 2000, 2:57:42 AM
Steven Erickson
I love the new book cover! I'm a little confused by the flying carpet though. The warlocks must just be getting creative... Wow! If you stare at this pink page too long and then look at the walls they turn green. I can't wait a longer Ethshar than unwilling warlord, and hardback too!! I can't wait!
Wednesday, April 26, 2000, 11:40:40 PM
The warlocks aren't getting that creative; notice there are two guys on that carpet. The one in the back is a wizard. The one in the front is the warlock.
A spiffy map is planned, but it'll be awhile.
The pink used to be worse -- I toned it down. I may tone it down further.
Sunday, April 30, 2000, 11:44:57 AM
Hi! I just checked out your cover gallery and I must say what a fine selection! I like those Garth covers alot, you need to write more Garth books. The links to larger images on the Garth books seems broken; I keep getting nasty error codes when I click on them.
Sunday, April 30, 2000, 9:31:56 PM
Well, darn, how'd that happen? The links are fixed now.
Another Garth novel isn't impossible, but it isn't likely, either; it's been a long time since I did anything with that series. I do have the rights back for the whole thing, so I could take the series to a new publisher -- if one were interested. At this point, I have enough other stuff to keep me busy, so that's really low on my list of priorities.
But maybe someday.
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