The Music Will Never Stop 79

Well, this was a surprise. I had assumed that the tape labeled “TV Concert” was recorded off the TV. It wasn’t.

It’s only about eleven minutes of material; the rest of Side 1 is blank. (I haven’t played Side 2 yet.) That eleven minutes is a girl with a guitar, playin’ and singin’. And judging by the chatter between songs, I was the one recording it — I recognize my voice even though I can’t quite make out what I was saying. (I was behind the mikes, not in front of them.)

The thing is, I don’t know who the singer was. I can’t place her voice. I can tell you lots of people it wasn’t, but not who it was.

She plays guitar beautifully. The singing is less impressive — she had a nice voice, but had trouble hitting the high notes.

She also tended to break off in the middle of songs, sometimes because she forgot the lyrics, so I have not quite two minutes of “Blackbird” that ends in a bit of a muddle, and less than a minute of “Chelsea Morning” before she lost it. There are pieces of three other songs that I don’t recognize, as well.

I have no memory at all of making this recording. I thought at first the singer might be Martha Esersky, but I’m pretty sure it’s not. Then I considered Buffie Groves, but it’s definitely not her, either.

I just don’t know who it is. Don’t know what to do with this. I’ve converted it to MP3, but the metadata is pretty skimpy.