Conventional Wisdom

Okay, I’m going to Denvention 3, the World Science Fiction Convention, this summer. I just got my first-pass programming schedule.

I don’t like two-thirds of it. I’ve asked to be removed from one item, and queried others. In fact, the remaining third is stuff that’s sort of mandatory — there is nothing on here that I actually think sounds interesting, new, fun, or particularly relevant to me in particular.

I get the distinct impression that the programming people have no idea who I am, beyond what I said on their questionnaire back in March. Which is fine; no one can keep track of every author out there. It’s a bit frustrating, though. I don’t know where they need warm bodies; they don’t know where I’d fit well. This could mean much muddling around to reach a solution that’s only marginally acceptable.

So it occurs to me to ask my friends, here and elsewhere — what Worldcon panels or other program items would you like to see me on? What topics would you want to hear me discuss? What areas do you think I’m unusually knowledgeable in?

Help me out here!