Hell for LeatherHell for Leather

The Anthology from Hell

So my friend Julia Mandala was putting together an anthology -- The Anthology from Hell -- and asked me to contribute a story.

This was what I came up with -- a little tale about the proprietor of a leather shop.

I'd considered some other possibilities -- I have other hell-related notions in my idea files -- but this one was readiest to turn into an actual story. You'll all have to wait for the story about the crew building the railroad to Hell, or the one about the apartment with a back window overlooking the fiery furnaces, or the others.

I've written some other Hell stories over the years; maybe I should collect them all into an e-book.

Anyway, I wrote "Hell for Leather" for the anthology, but then Julia ran into delays, and it took years for the book to appear; I very nearly gave up and sold "Hell for Leather" elsewhere. I did have another editor ask to see it, and then make me an offer, but right about then Julia finally found a new publisher. So it did wind up in its intended home.

I also eventually included it in my collection, Hazmat & Other Toxic Stories.


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