Science fiction and fantasy fans hold conventions all over the world; in North America there's at least one convention going on somewhere just about every weekend. Conventions provide opportunities for readers and writers of SF to get together and discuss their shared interests -- among other things. I started attending conventions back in 1980, and have gone to at least one or two almost every year since -- sometimes as just another member, sometimes as guest of honor, or toastmaster, or in other roles.
I'll be at:
- Orycon 44, October 18-20, 2024 in Portland, OR. I've filled out the programming questionnaire, don't yet know what they'll do with me.
- COSine 2025, January 24-26, 2025 in Colorado Springs, CO. I'm Guest of Honor.
- Norwescon 47, April 17-20, 2025 in SeaTac, WA. I'm planning to attend, no details yet.
- Seattle Worldcon 2025, August 13-17, 2025, Seattle WA.
Hope to see you somewhere!
That's it; here's your list of handy exits:
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